Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday, April 1st: Let's Learn About Viruses!

Happy April, 7th graders!

Since we are all stuck at our houses because of a virus, I thought it would be a good idea to learn more about viruses.  Below is a link to a video I made for you.  I'm not a professional and I know it's awkward- maybe I'll get better at this in the next few weeks!

Bonus:  See if you can hear my cats fighting in the background of this video.

Here is a link to a note-catcher: Virus Note-Catcher but you don't need it- just write down new things you learn on any sheet of paper.

If you want to go through the slides on your own here they are: Virus Slide Show

Share your answers by emailing adolan@hccs481.org, writing a comment here on this website, or sending a DM on Instagram: ms.dolans_science.

     What are THREE new things you learned about viruses?

     What are TWO things you are doing to stay safe from COVID-19

     What is ONE question you still have?

Tuesday, March 31st: Let's Get Outside!

Hello lovely 7th graders!

Things in our world are pretty strange right now and it's understandable if you are feeling a little stressed.  Also, online school means we are going to be asking you to be on your screens a lot more than on a normal school day.  So, for today's science class, let's get outside!

Time in nature has been shown to be good for you both physically and mentally/emotionally.

Your task for today is a Senses Nature Journal Entry.

  • Print the note-catcher or create your own.
  • Find a safe place to sit outside.  Try to get as close to nature as you can.  For you, nature could just be a patch of grass somewhere, that's ok!
  • Set a timer for at least 15 minutes. (Stay out longer if you can!)
  • Sit quietly for a while and look, listen, smell, and feel what's around you. (Don't taste!)
  • Focus on natural things- try not to focus on anything that was made by humans.
  • Record what you notice.  You can use words, pictures, poetry, or whatever.
  • At the bottom of the page, write what stood out to you the most.

Assignment: Share a picture of you sitting in nature and  a page from your nature journal.
Text or email to adolan@hccs481.org
OR tag or DM me on Instagram: ms.dolans_science

Monday, March 23, 2020

Welcome to 7th grade science online!

Hi there 7th graders!
How are you doing?!  I miss you!

I know things are crazy right now, but I am going to do my best to help you learn science without being together in a classroom.

This blog is how I will share resources and assignments with you.  Check back often!  I will try to update it every day.

Need to contact me?
Here are some options:
    Add a comment to this post
    Send an email to adolan@hccs481.org
    Use Instagram: @ms.dolans_science