Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wednesday & Thursday, May 13-14: Africa the Serengeti

In East-Central Africa, there is a fascinating region called the Serengeti.  Imagine the setting of the lion king- that's the Serengeti.  

Today you will watch a video that shows the amazing diversity of life in this ecosystem and we will apply what we learned on Monday and Tuesday about the roles within ecosystems.

Task 1:  Print this QUESTION PAGE or use it to create your own on any sheet of paper.

Task 2:  Watch Africa the Serengeti. 
Use the information in the movie to fill in the question page:

If, for whatever reason, you can't watch the video, you could read THIS ARTICLE instead and use it to fill in the question page. 

You have two days to complete this task.
Send your completed answer page to Ms. Dolan: adolan@hccs481.org

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