Thursday, April 23, 2020

Friday, April 24th: Nature Journal Day!

It's Nature Journal Day!
Today let's do an Up & Down nature journal.

Part 1:  Look UP! 
  • Find a safe and comfortable place to lie on the ground or sit in a chair. 
  • Set a timer for 7 minutes.
  • Look up and study the sky or the trees or whatever you can see.  What do you see?  What colors, shapes, objects, or animals do you see?  Record your observations.  You may use words and/or pictures.

Part 2:  Look DOWN!
  • Find a safe and comfortable place to lie on the ground or sit in a chair. It's also ok to walk or crawl around.
  • Set a timer for 7 minutes.
  • Look down and study the soil, plants, insects or whatever you can see.  What do you see?  What colors, shapes, objects, or animals do you see?  Record your observations.  You may use words and/or pictures.

There is a note-catcher here that you may use.  But you can also create your own. 
Have Fun!

Send a picture of your journal (and a picture of you outside if possible) to Ms. Dolan:          ms.dolans_science

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