Monday, April 13, 2020

Tuesday, April 14th: Introduction to Genetics

Introduction to Genetics

We have learned that DNA makes proteins but DNA also make you who you are.  Your DNA is unique and is responsible for how you look and sometimes even how you act.  Your DNA is inherited from your parents, which is why you look and often act similar to your family members.  The passing of DNA and characteristics from parents to their kids is called heredity.  The scientific study of heredity is called genetics.  

Look carefully at the pictures below and then answer the questions that follow.

You can print this question page PDF or just write the numbers 1-8 on any paper with your answers and send them to Ms. Dolan:   ms.dolans_science

1.  How many chromosomes do humans have in every cell?

2.  Where do our chromosomes come from?

3.  What’s a gene?

4.  What do genes determine?

5.  Which kind of gene is more common, dominant or recessive?

6.  What determines your gender?

7.  Is XX a male or female?

8.  Is XY a male or female?

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