Thursday, April 30, 2020

Friday, May 1st: Changes Nature Journal

Yay!  It's May!
Celebrate the new month by getting outside for a nature journal.  

For the past several weeks I’ve asked you to go outside and notice different things- senses, shapes, colors, what’s up and what’s down. 

Today I want you to think back on some of the things you’ve noticed on your earlier nature journals and look for how nature has CHANGED over the last few weeks.  

Set a timer for at least 15 minutes and then look around- What’s the same?  What’s different?  You may use words and/or pictures.

 If you don’t notice changes or don’t remember, you can just draw and/or describe anything in nature that stands out to you.

You can print this note-catcher or make your own.
Please send a picture of yourself outside and a picture of your nature journal to Ms. Dolan;     ms.dolans_science

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